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Wematter: About Us

We Matter! Women everywhere matter!

This site was set up to be a resource that women can consult to find health-based websites that are important to women everywhere.


Wematter has not reviewed all of the sites that may be linked to this Web Site and makes no warranties or representations as to the accuracy and/or any other aspect of the information contained in any off-site pages or any other site linked to this Web Site. All users agree that the linking is at their own risk. The information on this Web Site is provided by Wematter and is designed to comply with laws and regulations of the United Kingdom. Although accessible by users from other countries, it and its content is intended for access and use by residents of the United Kingdom only.

Counselling Directory
National association for pms
Endometriosis society
Infertility network
Polycystic ovarian syndrome(Verity)
Hysterectomy society
Daisy network for premature menopause
Menopause matters
Womens health concern

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